Visitor Services To Enjoy in Bryson City
Here are a few basic services you may find helpful when planning your visit or while you are here.
Other services – such as civic organizations, churches, hair salons, etc. — may be found on our Bryson City Businesses page.
ABC Store & Package Stores
Bryson City ABC Store
254 Veterans Boulevard
(Next to Arby’s)
9 to 9, Monday through Saturday
In North Carolina, liquor is only sold at ABC Stores. Beer, wine and mixers are sold only at grocery stores, convenience stores and package stores within the city limits. Hours for beer & wine sales vary from store to store, but are allowed to be from 6 am to midnight, except on Sunday, when sales are permitted from 10 am – 2 am. The Wesser General Store in the Nantahala Gorge (open seasonally) also carries beer and wine.
Cash Points Network
Main Street
(behind Old Courthouse)
First Citizens Bank
51 Main Street
1030 Hwy 19
IGA Grocery
345 Main Street
Local Market 210 (BP)
110 Hwy 19 South
Nantahala Outdoor Center
13077 Hwy 19 West / Nantahala Gorge
Shell Station (Mountain Energy)
Main & Veterans Blvd.
State Employees Credit Union (SECU)
Hughes Branch Road
(across from Ingles Grocery)
United Community Bank
145 Slope Street
Chamber of Commerce
Bryson City / Swain County Chamber of Commerce
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Four, Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations. Located in the parking lot behind the Swain County Visitor Center and Heritage Museum, along the back row of parking spaces. Pull-in parking, illuminated, free public parking, free charging. Available 24/7, however, no overnight parking. J1772 Chargers.
Emergency Room & Urgent Care Center
Swain Community Hospital
45 Plateau Street
Turn onto Depot Street at the train depot, turn uphill on Richmond Street to hospital.
Smoky Mountain Urgent Care
80 Veterans Blvd.
Open every day.
Genealogy Research
Swain County Genealogical & Historical Society
91 Brendle Street
Grocery Stores
Bryson City IGA
345 Main Street
Ingles Markets
US19W at Hughes Branch
Hiker Shuttles
Bryson City Outdoors
169 Main Street
Carolina Bound Adventures
35 Slope Street
Marianna Black Library
Academy & Rector Streets
(one block up the hill from the Main/Everett intersection)
Computers for Internet use; wireless available; remote printing. Children & adult programs. Open Monday – Saturday.
Cherokee Cinemas
US 19/441 N
Catamount Cinemas
90 East Sylva Shopping Center
Sylva 28779
Post Offices
Bryson City
Slope & Mitchell Streets
Exit 72 off US 74
Taxi Service
Cherokee Cab & Limousine
Available 24/7
Veterinary Hospital
Starboard Veterinary Clinic
5236 Ela Rd. (US 19)
Visitor Center
Swain County Heritage Museum & Visitor Center
2 Everett Street
(parking in rear)
Open daily
Located in the 1908 courthouse. Visitor Center / Heritage Museum / Great Smoky Mountains Association Bookstore.
Wireless Internet
Wireless Internet is available throughout most of downtown. Look for Bryson City FREE WiFi. There is a time limit of around 1.5 hrs, but you are able to sign in again. Computers (and good internet 24/7 outside) are available for public use at the Marianna Black Library (Mon-Sat), corner Academy & Rector Streets (one block up the hill from the Main/Everett intersection) 828-488-3030.